In 2016, the new administration’s declaration of war against illegal drugs prompted the Local Government Unit of Cagayan de Oro and the Catholic Archdiocese to converge with other government agencies, non-government organizations, and volunteers whose desires are also to combat the use of illegal drugs by upholding the importance of life, family and the community.

The City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (CADAC) was created by the Local Chief Executive. It is composed of members from the bureaucracy, representatives from government agencies and the private sector. It serves as an advisory body to the City Government on the drug problem. The CADAC was also tasked to craft anti-drug abuse programs in the LGU. The CADAC established the Oro Citizen’s Wellness and Development Center (OCWDC), a one-stop-shop facility under the City Social Welfare and Development Office. The OCWDC takes policy directions from the CADAC.
In the same year, then Archbishop Antonio Ledesma released a pastoral letter urging to open all churches and parish halls as venue for the Community-Based Rehabilitation Program (CBDRP) and referred to the SDUs as “responders” for they have responded to the call of tokhang to change their lives. The term responder was later on adopted by the city to promote a non-threatening approach to Persons Who Use Drugs (PWUDs) and rid the issue of stigma and discrimination in the society. It is for this very purpose that the OCWDC is located at the Cathedral compound and utilizes all amenities freely offered by the Archdiocese for the conduct of rehabilitation and aftercare sessions with the responders.

Archbishop Antonio Ledesma
The OCWDC was created following the Dangerous Drugs Board Reg. 4, Sec. 6 “OPLAN SAGIP” where assessment, interview, counselling, referral and applications for petition for confinement of drug dependents for treatment, rehabilitation and other allied processes may be undertaken. The OCWDC supervises the Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation Program (CBDRP), and Aftercare Program for Persons Who Use Drugs (PWUDs) in the community. There are four sections of the Oro Wellness and Development Center which caters to PWUDs in various stages of drug addiction and recovery: 1)Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation Section 2) Aftercare Section 3)Plea Bargain Section and 4) Medical Services Section.
Upholding the Vision and Mission of the City Anti-Drug Abuse Council:

In 2025: Cagayan de Oro City, Philippine model for Drug Prevention, Control, Management, Rehabilitation and to become a Premier Local Coordinating Body in creating a vibrant Social Environment that is safe and Drug-free for everyone.

- To integrate a holistic system of prevention, reduction, intervention and community support towards a Healthy and Drug-free Society.
- To help drug vulnerable change and become productive and empowered citizens in the community.

To help bring about awareness and hope in the community that there is light after the darkness caused by substance abuse.
To create a responder friendly environment to provide the SDUs or RDD the necessary needs in terms of: Family Support, Livelihood, Social Acceptance, Mental Health, Medical Health and Spiritual Growth.
To enhance protective services of the City Government to vulnerable sectors such as children in need of special protection, women in especially difficult circumstances and homeless families and individuals from any form of abuses
To strengthen referral networks of the City Social Welfare and Development in the placement of clientele population being assisted.